Monthly Zoom Offering: 

Writing From the Body

Connect with Self and like-minded community to drop into the body and discover what emerges through the pen--enjoy a regular practice from anywhere in the world!

7-9 p.m. the first Wednesday of each month

new semester begins Jan 3 and runs Feb 7, March 6, April 3, May 1, and June 3

$125 registration before Jan 1; $35 drop-in rate thereafter

Kalamazoo Class Schedule


Mondays atBorgess

Vinyasa Flow

6:00-7:00 p.m.




Photo by Russell Cooper

Special Events

Big Magic Spring Renewal:a retreat to reclaim embodied creativity 

April 26-28, 2024
Gilchrist Retreat Center ~ Three Rivers, Michigan

This retreat is designed as a spring renewal for those who long to fulfill their creative potential. The seasonal shift is an ideal time for reconnection to Self spiritually, physically, emotionally. After a long winter, we may feel stagnant and disembodied, seeking spiritual and creative practices that guide us to remember who we really are and connect to the Big Magic that is our birthright. As artists and dreamers of every ilk, we must tend to our bodies and spirits and discover the balance between rest, renewal, play, and creative challenge so that we may tap into and channel something larger than ourselves. We must also learn to tune out the voices, both real and perceived, that tell us we can’t in order to allow our genuine, glorious voices to ring out. 

This weekend retreat will draw on the traditions of yoga, and we'll work systematically with the chakras, energy centers of the body, as well as the koshas, our layers of being. There will be abundant opportunities for truly nurturing, restorative, and generative practices geared especially to those who may feel their creativity and/or voice has been stifled and create a sacred space in which our inner joy and creativity can be reclaimed. Offerings will include yoga, meditation, writing and reading, drawing, music and dance, self care, and time in nature connecting to earth and to Self. Come explore what’s possible when you give yourself what you truly need and leave rejuvenated, with tools to sustain a richly creative life.

Poet Mary Oliver wrote that “the most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.” In this retreat we’ll give both power and time to the practices that will allow us to not only live without regret, but to cultivate the fierce love, joy, and passion that sustains us.


Writing From the Body: Yoga & Writing Retreat

November 8-10, 2024
Gilchrist Retreat Center ~ Three Rivers, Michigan

“Imagination is evidence of the divine,” wrote poet and visionary William Blake more than 200 years ago. And yet we experience the world, imagine, and create through our very human bodies. In this retreat designed for artists and dreamers of every ilk, we will drop into the body and connect to the deepest parts of ourselves. 

Through immersive yoga practices, including asana, guided breathing, and relaxation, coupled with writing exercises and playful ritual, we will unleash and explore the power that is our birthright, face our fears, generate new material, make resolutions, and discover the stories that emerge from and are written on the body. Between facilitated sessions participants will have time for solitude, reflection, and play in nature on the sacred grounds of beautiful Gilchrist.


Marin Heinritz